
Business Owners

Jason & James

Jason and James are best friends who started a business together 10 years ago. After dedicating many long hours in the workplace, they are finally starting to see the results of their labor pay off. Most of their wealth is tied up in the business, but since cash flow has started to increase, they are thinking hard about what decisions they want to make. Their goals include expanding the business and building upon the momentum they have created but want to feel secure the risks there are taking won’t have adverse effects upon their families.

Their main concern is the risk represented by a significant concentration of wealth in their business, and how to diversify that into alternative assets. They are concerned about saving money on taxes and are unsure if the retirement plan they started years ago is still the best option looking forward. They are looking for guidance evaluating different options in acquiring capital to expand their business.

How Did We Work Together?

We work to benefit clients like Jason and James through our year long planning services. We begin with a robust review of their benefits package, after which we identify and outline the most efficient ways to think about investments from both a tax and risk perspective. Using our gathered data, we build an individualized financial plan that helps reduce current complexities and seeks to minimize both risks and taxes. This tailor-made financial plan is finalized and then displayed within a simplified roadmap, allowing them to enjoy retirement with a peace of mind.

If you can relate, schedule a conversation.