
Experienced Executives

John & Amanda

John and Amanda are experienced corporate executives who have been working in their roles throughout the past decade. They are highly compensated with a complex benefits package that includes both restricted stock and deferred compensation. However, with two kids about to go to college, and their goal of retirement within eyesight, they are seeking guidance to maximize efficiency and minimize risk. While they have set aside enough money to cover yearly expenses, they are looking for ways to continue their current lifestyle without interruption. They have recently bought a second beachfront home, to spend time unwinding on long weekends, and wish to enjoy this next chapter with the tranquility that comes with careful preparation.

John and Amanda’s main concerns are the looming effects of taxes and risks inherent to highly concentrated stock positions. They desire increased insight into what their retirement is going to look like, along with assistance to establish strategies going into retirement. To achieve the peace of mind they desire, they are seeking professional guidance through the process of selecting tax efficient strategies and are interested in learning about various wealth preservation tactics.

How Did We Work Together?

We work to benefit clients like John and Amanda through our services directly built for executives. We begin with a robust review of their benefits package, after which we identify and outline the most efficient ways to think about investments from both a tax and risk perspective. Using our gathered data, we build an individualized financial plan that helps reduce current complexities and seeks to minimize both risks and taxes. This tailor-made financial plan is finalized and then displayed within a simplified roadmap, allowing them to enjoy retirement with a peace of mind.

If you can relate, schedule a conversation.