
Nathan Lee

Dad, Husband
Video Game Connoisseur 

I’ve always had a love of the outdoors and I grew up camping and hiking in many of our National Parks; some of my fondest memories are of camping in the beautiful Yosemite Valley. A dream goal of mine would be to rent an RV and tour the US going to all the National Parks.

My wife and I share that love of exploration and new experiences and today we travel to new cities, enjoy renting bikes, pedaling around the city looking for those hidden gems, under-the-radar restaurants that so often reflect the culture and diversity of an area. And with a young daughter, we are looking forward to sharing different cultures with her.

When I am not working or spending time with my family, I also like to explore the hidden worlds of video games. I find the story telling and experience of transporting to a different world incredibly immersive.